Selection Criteria
Criteria for the selection of candidates for attending Faculty Induction Programme/Refresher Course
The criteria for the selection of teachers for attending Faculty Induction programme and refresher course is as under:
- The selection of candidates will be on the basis of seniority i.e., length of service in the cadre amongst the eligible candidates for Refresher Course whose applications are complete in all respects. Those candidates who require FIP/RC/STC for their next promotion (level) earlier than others shall be given preference over those whose promotion is due in subsequent years.
- No application form will be entertained after last date fixed by this MMTTC to receive application forms.
- Application form only be entertained through link given in the yearly schedule and no hardcopy shall be entertained.
- As per UGC (Draft) guidelines section 7.1.4 participation in the Faculty Induction Programme is a prerequisite for admission in the Refresher Courses.
- There should be a minimum gap of one year following an Orientation course for participating in a Refresher Course. Also there should be minimum gap of one year between two RC’s though it may be relaxed if an adequate number of participants are not available.
- Since the UGC releases the grant under three components of Gen., SC & ST, therefore the Reservation policy i.e. Gen. (76%), SC (16%) & ST (8%) shall be observed while selecting the participants. In case required number of participants are not available in the reserved category, in any course, it may be filled from the general category.
- Preference will be given to the participants of the catchment area.
- Number of Beneficiaries of RC/STC & FIP for residential courses is 40 to 50 and online courses is 60 to 100 (per programme) which is strictly in accordance with UGC guidelines.
- Number of Beneficiaries of Online NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme is 100 to 200 (per programme) which is strictly in accordance with UGC guidelines.
- 75% participants will be drawn from the institutions falling within Himachal Pradesh, while 25% will be taken from other states to promote national integration as per UGC guidelines. In case of sufficient numbers of applicants are not available within the catchment area, the MMTTC can take participants from other states.
- In case of inter-disciplinary courses the participants may not be allowed to do the course if he/she has already done the Refresher Course under the same title.