1. Organization, Function and Duties of the Himachal Pradesh University
- The University shall be open to all persons of either sex and of whatever race, creed, caste or class etc. and it shall not be lawful for the University to adopt or impose on any person any test whatsoever of religious belief or profession in order to entitle him to be admitted thereto, as a teacher or student, or to hold any office therein, or to graduate there at, or to enjoy or exercise any privilege thereof except in respect of any particular beneficiation accepted by the University, where such test is made a condition thereof by any testamentary or other instrument creating such beneficiation.
- Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent religious instruction being given in the manner prescribed in the ordinances to those who have consented to receive.
- The objects of the University shall be to disseminate and advance knowledge, wisdom and understanding by teaching and research and by the example and influence of its corporate life and towards this end the University shall:-
- Advance learning and knowledge by teaching and research and by extension programmes so to enable a student to obtain advantages of University education;
- Provide the right kind of leadership in all walks and understanding of the social needs of the country and prepare them for fulfilling such needs;
- Promote in the students and teachers an awareness and understanding of the social needs of the country and prepare them for fulfilling such needs;
- Take appropriate measures for promoting inter-disciplinary studies in the University;
- Foster the composite culture of India and establish such departments or institutions as may be required for the study and development of the languages, arts and culture of India;
- Make such provision for integrated courses in Humanities, Sciences and Technology in the educational programmes of the University;
2. Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
Dean of Studies
Controller of Examinations
Finance Officer
Dean of Colleges-Cum-Director
Dean of Students’ Welfare
Chief Warden/Additional Chief Warden
Dean of Faculties
The Dean concerned is to make rules and syllabus for the courses under the faculty. The meetings of the Faculty conducted by him from time to time.
Chairpersons/Directors of Teaching Departments
He/she is over all incharge of his/her department and all activities such as teaching, engagements of teachers purchase of books in the department are to be furnished by him/her.
He/she shall work under the direct control of Vice-Chancellor. He shall be fully incharge for the affairs of the University Library. All Books, magazines and generals purchased by him/her and sitting arrangements and all information about Library are to be furnished by him.
Deans of the Faculties
The Dean concerned is to make rules and syllabus for the courses under the faculty. The meetings of the Faculty conducted by him from time to time.
Deputy Registrar/Assistant Registrars:
He/she is the incharge of the concerned branch /Section/department and he supervise the staff working under his control. He/she writes the ACRs of supervisory staff such as Section Officers/Supdt.Gr-II. He/she is responsible for such activities of his branch/department concerned.
Section Officer/Supdt Gr-II:
He shall grant leave, causal leave to the subordinate staff posted in his/her section, acknowledged receipt of letters and send interim replies and he will send the reply of routine queries factual/ position of cases. He will directly responsible for the maintenance of discipline in the section.
Senior Assistants/ Clerks
These all are dealing with the seat and submit cases to the Section Officers/Supdts. Gr.II with complete data/statistics/
information in the matters related with their seats in their respective Section/Branches and they are fully responsible for delay in the matter.
He/she will deliver the dak within and outside the office and ensure cleanliness of Branch/Office. He/she may be assigned such other duties by the Section Officer/Branch Incharge from time to time.
3. Decision Making Process
In the University all such powers of academic, financial and services matters are lying with the Academic Council, Finance Committee and Executive Council as per provisions of Act/Statutes and Ordinances of the University as amended from time to time. Such provisions are available on University Web-site.
4. Norms for Discharge of Functions
All functions of the University affairs are discharging as per provisions of Act/Statutes/Ordinances/Regulations as circulated/amended from time to time which are available on University Web-site.
5. Rules, Regulations, Instructions & Manuals
The Rules, Regulations, instructions, manuals are available on the University Act/Statutes and Ordinances which is as under:-
Click here [318.75 KB]
6. Categories of Documents
The documents relating to service matters of teaching and non-teaching staff in the H.P. University. The other instructions relating to financial matters of Schemes/Projects as are implemented in the H.P. University.
7. Formulation of Policy or Implementation
To formulate any policy with regard to academic, general and financial matters, the authorities of the University have such powers to formulate it. Provisions are available in the University Act/Statutes and Ordinances.
8. Directory of Officers and Employees
9. Monthly Remuneration of the Employees
Scale of Pay of the Teachers and Equivalent Cadres in University
[7.69 KB]
Scales of Pay to Non-Teaching Posts in University
[9.89 KB]
Staff Strength of Teaching Category
[10.94 KB]
Staff strength of Non-Teaching Category
[22.93 KB]
10. Budget Allocated to University
Plan Budget: 7.02 crore,
Non-Plan : 63.00 crore
Bugdet 2013-14 [658.67 KB] (Download)
11. Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
The University is providing concession in tuition fee for girls. SC/ST and handicapped students in admissions as per instructions of the State Government issued from time to time.
12. Facilities to Citizens for Obtaining Information
The University is providing all latest informations related to Prospectus, syllabus, examinations date-sheet Roll No.(s) results and admission schedules etc. on the University Web-site from time to time.
13. Public Information Officers (PIOs) [12.95 KB] (Download)