Academic Programmes

Presently, the Institute is playing a vital role in documenting, fostering,, nurturing and improving various academic, research and development programmes based on its mandate. Institute has widened opportunity for higher education by starting multidisciplinary courses of innovative nature. Institute has been developing and planning new courses in emerging areas in addition to existing diploma courses. Infrastructure so developed by the Institute is fully utilized by the research staff and students. Institute provides full chance for student participation in curricular and extra/co-curricular activities. Institute adheres to the calendar in terms of the number of days of work. Institute has a very conducive environment for the over all development of its academic & research staff and students.

Courses Offered by the Institute
  • MBA (Rural Development)
  • Ph.D. (Rural Development)
  • M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences)
  • Ph.D.. (Environmental Sciences)
  • MFA Pahari Miniature Painting (Under UGC Innovative Scheme)
  • PG Diploma in Disaster Management
Courses in Pipeline
  • M.A. in Hindi Journalism
  • M.A. Archaeology                                          
  • M.A in Human Rights and Duties                   
  • M.A in Defence and Strategic Analysis   

Handbook of Information-2020-21 MBA-RD & M.Sc. Evs
