It is my privilege to welcome you to Himachal Pradesh University which has a picturesque campus spreading across an area of over 200 acres. The majestic buildings of the campus are complemented by rhododendron, silver oak, pine and deodar trees offering a salubrious climate and amiable atmosphere for higher studies and research. Himachal Pradesh University, situated at Summer Hill, a Suburb of Shimla a leading teaching and research institution in the state of Himachal Pradesh, was established in the year 1970. It is one of the foremost affiliating-cum-residential universities in India.
The university has 12 faculties out of which nine are campus based. There are 29 departments and more than 18 specialized centres. In terms of quality teaching at postgraduate level, the university is on a sound footing and has ample potential for excellence. Besides running various academic programmes, the university has been carrying out research in varied fields. Various departments of University have been carrying out research in Physical Sciences, Life Sciences,Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Engineering and Technology,Management & Commerce, Literature & Languages and many more areas addressing the issues related to state's economy and its resources.
The university was awarded with a Centre with Potential for Excellence in Himalayan Studies by UGC in the year 2002. Besides this, the university has a well established Human Resource Development Centre. Special assistance has been provided by the UGC to the departments of Physics, Bio-Technology, Chemistry, Bio-Sciences and Institute of Vocational Studies IVS-MTA.The alumni of the university have excelled in all spheres including sports and cultural activities .
The University is striving hard to have a system of learning which is meticulously designed and socially relevant. For this purpose the university has prepared its Vision Document- Drishti: Swarna jayanti 2020. The Vision document sticks to eight goals which have been selected by taking into the strengths & weaknesses of the university after self-introspection and detailed deliberations. While setting up the goals, the main thrust is on fostering new teaching and research techniques among students to nurture their talent. The Vision Document provides a framework to pursue these goals whose implementation will certainly demand complete dedication from all departments and administrative staff.
We have composed our Kulgeet, the University anthem. The Morning Mangaldhwani is played for an hour in the campus comprises different prayers. The main road leading to the University has been named as GYAN PATH. The university has an Alumni Association & Subject wise Departmental Associations/ Societies. A Large number of Students from the university have qualified NET /JRF /SLET. The university has a well-equipped Library and Laboratories. The university has started a Lecture Series. Prominent speakers from across the country are invited regularly to interact with the faculty and students. The Students' Charter has been implemented successfully. The mechanism of Teachers' Evaluation by Students has been started for the first time. Amongst other new programmes that have been initiated for the first time include the Foundation Day Celebrations (July 22-24), honouring of the Freedom Fighters and War Martyrs.
Similarly the Internal Quality Assurance Cell has been established. The Newsletter Himshikhar and the University Research journal are being regularly brought out. The Vision-2020 document for academic development has been published.
Amongst the luminaries who have delivered convocation addresses in the University are the President of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee, the Vice President of India Dr. M. Hamid Ansari and His Holiness the Dalai Lama who delivered XX, XXII and XXI Convocation addresses.The new Campus of the University at Ghanahati near Shimla is being developed in about 40 Acres for BBA, BCA, UILS, UIIT and many more UG and PG Courses. Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) through semester system has been successfully implemented at undergraduate level and is constantly monitored by IQAC. A number of SAP Programmes have been approved for the university. Special lectures are organized in all Teaching Departments, Specialized Centers and Institutes. The University collaborates with many National and International academic institutions. During the last three years a number of MOUs with International and National institutes of Repute have been signed. Many scholars, philosophers, academicians and environmentalists visited the University in the recent years. HP university is ranked 22nd among top 25 Universities in India in a survey by India Today and Nelson. For the first time the University Vice—Chancellor has been elected as a member of Council and Trustee in Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) London
I am confident that university will continue to strive for excellence in teaching, research and extension activities and scaling great heights in the days to come.
Contact Details
Prof. Sat Parkash Bansal
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University
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