S.No Title Start Date End Date
11 Admission Notice
(Department of Evening Studies)
09-08-2024 18-08-2024
12 MA English 2nd Counselling
(Department of Evening Studies)
08-08-2024 11-08-2024
13 MA Economics 2nd Counselling
(Department of Evening Studies)
08-08-2024 11-08-2024
14 MA Hindi 2nd Counselling
(Department of Evening Studies)
08-08-2024 11-08-2024
15 MCom 2nd Merit list
(Department of Evening Studies)
08-08-2024 11-08-2024
16 MA Political Science 3rd Counselling
(Department of Evening Studies)
08-08-2024 11-08-2024
17 MCom Viva Voce 2024
(Department of Evening Studies)
07-08-2024 10-08-2024
18 MA & MCom 1st Admission notice
(Department of Evening Studies)
05-08-2024 15-08-2024
19 BA 1st Admission 2nd Counselling
(Department of Evening Studies)
01-08-2024 04-08-2024
20 BCom 1st Tentative 2nd Merit List
(Department of Evening Studies)
01-08-2024 04-08-2024