Contact Us

Himachal Pradesh University Department of Evening Studies
The Mall, Shimla-171001
Himachal Pradesh


  1. Superintendent's Office:                   0177-3500325

  2. Library:                                               0177-3500326

  3. Office:                                                 0177-3500388

  4. Staff Room:                                        0177-3500393

  5. Computer Laboratory:                      0177-3500394

Location:                                           Situated between the General Post Office and the Central Telegraph Office,

                                                           The Mall,Shimla.  
GPS Location:                         

Working Hours:
Admission:                                        5.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.
Teaching:                                           5.40 p.m.-9.00 p.m.
Office & Library:                               3.00 p.m.-9.30 p.m. (during winter vacation: 12.00 noon-6.30 p.m.)

*The Office and the Library are closed on Second Saturdays during winter vacation only.
