The role of the Budget Branch is to prepare Annual Budget and get it passed from the Finance Committee, to prepare agenda and to convene the meeting of Finance Committee from time to time, to receive all type of grant from the State Government, Government of India and other agencies. To examine the files received from the Establishment Branch such as retirement cases, promotion, placement in the next scales and other disputed case of H.P. University, Agro, CCS etc.To arrange payments of salary of the staff and arrears as accrued from time to time as a result of promotion and new scales. To receive and distribute the payments of JRF and SRF in respect of different agencies i.e. UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT, SAP, FIST, Govt. of India, State Government, SC/ST fellowship, Travel Grants, Research projects & Schemes etc. To make correspondence with different agencies with regard to construction activities in the University by them. To monitor the plan works such as X Plan XI Plan of the UGC viz-a-viz its utilization by the University under different heads such as Academic and Non Academic activities. To make funds available for carrying out different type of repair works in the University.
Budget Section